Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-405) and index
Introduction : women's status, men's states -- Part I. Theory and Reality: -- 1. On torture (1990) -- 2. Human rights and global violence against women (1992) -- 3. Theory is not a luxury (1993) -- 4. Are women human? (1999) -- 5. Postmodernism and human rights (2000) -- 6: The promise of CEDAW's optional protocol (2004) -- Part II. Struggles within States: -- 7. Making sex equality real (1985) -- 8. Nationbuilding in Canada (1988) -- 9. Misogyny's cold heart (1987) -- 10. On sex and violence : introducing the antipornography civil rights law in Sweden (1990) -- 11. Equality remade : violence against women (1991) -- 12: Pornography's empire (1995) -- 13: Sex equality under the constitution of India : problems, prospects, and "personal laws" (2006) -- Part III. Through the Bosnian Lens: --14. Crimes of war, crimes of peace (1993) -- 15. Turning rape into pornography : postmodern genocide (1993) -- 16. Rape as nationbuilding (1994) -- 17. From Auschwitz to Omarska, Nuremberg to The Hague (1994) -- 18. Rape, genocide, and women's human rights (1994) -- 19. Gender-based crimes in humanitarian law (1997) -- 20: War crimes remedies at the national level (1997) -- 21. Collective harms under the alien tort statute : a cautionary note on class actions (199) -- 22. Genocide's sexuality (2005) -- Part IV. On the Cutting Edge: -- 23. Defining rape internationally : a comment on Akayesu (2006) -- 24. Pornography as trafficking (2005) -- 25. Women's September 11th : rethinking the international law of conflict (2006)